Wednesday, November 14, 2018

7. The Jackal And The Drum

One day, a hungry jackal wandered into a deserted battlefield in search of food. The place had nothing but a drum that the army left behind. When the wind blew, the branches of a tree moved and hit the drum, making a loud noise. The jackal was scared and decided to run from there. On second thoughts, he decided to explore the noise. As he drew closer to the sound, he found the drum and realized that it was harmless. When he approached the drum, he found food nearby.
Moral: Do not react blindly with fear.

6. Four Friends And A Hunter

A deer, a turtle, a crow and a rat were friends. They lived happily in a jungle. One day, the deer was caught in a hunter’s trap and the friends made a plan to save him. The deer struggled as if it was in pain and then it lie motionless, with eyes wide open, as if it were dead. The crow and the other birds then sat on the deer and started poking it as they do to a dead animal.

Right then, the turtle crossed the hunter’s path to distract him. The hunter left the deer, assuming it dead, and went after the turtle. Meanwhile, the rat chew open the net to free the deer while the crow picked up the turtle and quickly took it away from the hunter.
Moral: Teamwork can achieve great results.

5.The Foolish Weaver

A weaver and his wife lived in a village. He went to the forest to get wood that he needed to repair his loom. As he began to chop the tree, a djinn appeared and asked him not to cut his abode. In return, the genie offered to give anything that the weaver wanted. The weaver left the forest to discuss this with his wife. The greedy and dimwitted wife told the weaver to ask the genie for an extra head and two extra hands so he can think more and work more.

The stupid weaver agreed and went back to the djinn, which immediately granted the wish. The weaver happily walked back to the village, where people thought him to be a monster and beat him to death.

Moral: Lack of proper judgment can lead to several missed opportunities.

Autobiography of Mathma Gandhi

                                                                                                       M. K GANDHI

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

4. The Foolish Lion and The Clever Rabbit

Once upon a time, there lived a greedy lion who attacked and killed animals and that’s why every animal in the jungle was very afraid of him. One day they decided that each animal would go to the lion per day as his prey. The lion agreed, When it was the rabbit’s turn, they decided to send the wise old one. He travelled slowly and reached the lion’s den before sunset. The lion furiously asked him, “Why are you so late?” The rabbit answered, ”A group of rabbits were coming to you, but on their way, the others were attacked by another ferocious lion. I managed to escape and came here.” The rabbit also mentioned that the other lion was challenging this one.

The lion was extremely angry and asked the rabbit to take him to meet the new lion. The wise rabbit took the lion to a deep well and showed him his own reflection. As the lion growled, his reflection did the same. He considered his reflection to be his enemy. The enraged lion jumped into the well to attack the other lion and ended up dying. Thus, the wise old rabbit 
saved all the animals in the forest.

Moral of The Story: Focussing on solutions rather than problems is the key takeaway from this stor

the tortoise and the geese

Once upon a time beside a lake, there lived a tortoise and two geese who were great friends. As the lake was drying, the geese decided to migrate to a new place. The tortoise also wanted to move with them but he couldn’t fly and so he pleaded the geese to take him with them. After trying really hard to convince them, finally, the geese agreed. They held a stick with their beaks and asked the tortoise to hold the stick with his mouth and warned him to not open his mouth in order to avoid letting go off of the stick.

As they flew high, some onlookers thought that the tortoise was kidnapped and commented: “Oh, the poor tortoise!” This angered the tortoise and he immediately opened his mouth to say something back. As soon as he did, he fell to the ground and died.
Moral of The Story: Think before you speak. Listen to instructions, and follow them.

Elephant and mice

2. The Elephants and The Mice

There was a village that was abandoned by its people after it shattered post an earthquake. However, the mice living in the village decided to stay and make it their home. On the outskirts of this village, there was a lake, where a herd of elephants visited regularly to bathe and drink water. Since the village was on the way to this lake, the elephants trampled the mice while walking whenever they travelled. So, the king of mice decided to meet the elephants. He told them, ” O elephants, as you travel through the village, many mice are trampled. We will be very grateful if you could please consider changing your route. We will remember and return the favour when you are in need.”
The elephant king laughed, “We are giant elephants, what favour can you mice return. Nevertheless, we honour your request a
nd will change our route.”

After a few days, the elephants got trapped and entangled in nets that were set up by hunters. They struggled hard to escape, but in vain. The elephant king remembered the promise made by the king of mice. So, he sent a fellow elephant who got lucky and was not trapped to ask the mice king to come and help the elephants.
Soon, all the mice came and started nibbling the nets and freed the elephants. The king of the elephants couldn’t thank the mice enough!
Moral of The Story: A friend in need is a friend indeed. Always be kind to people, and grateful for their help